On its server, this website does not keep any illegal materials. We solely index and link (plain text) to third-party content.
Our server does not upload, host, or transmit any of these files.
Text and links (such as Google search indexes) are submitted exclusively by site users. In order to share what they deem to be quality content, users find postings on other blogs/forums on the Internet and then repost them here.

All sources are hosted on third-party websites, such as nitroflare, prefiles, File-up, turbobit, and usersdrive. If there is a problem with the sources, please contact the third-party website directly. Note that emailing your complaint to our Provider will not expedite your request and may result in a delay in receiving a response because the complaint was not lodged properly.

If you are an independent developer and you believe that some of our users are sharing your files, you should identify the actual links and write a report or DMCA notice to the free-hosts server that actually hosted your copyrighted goods.

Even if we try to remove all of the posts and links and ban users, they could find another way to share the links again, remember, once it’s on the internet, it’s everywhere, you can’t remove it, so it’s not really feasible for us to ask file hosters to remove the files, you should ask them yourself. adheres to 17 U.S.C. 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”). According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable intellectual property laws, it is our policy to respond to notifications of infringement and take appropriate action. If your copyrighted content has been placed to or if links to your copyrighted material are retrieved using our search engine, and you wish to have this material deleted, you must provide a written notification that includes the information stated in the next section. Please be aware that you will be held accountable for damages (including expenses and attorney’s fees) if you misrepresent content on our website that violates your copyright. We recommend that you first see a lawyer for assistance with this problem.

However, we can still remove file links from our website if the copyright holder requests it. Include the following items in your copyright infringement claim:

Provide evidence of the authorized representative of the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right.
Provide sufficient contact information so we can get in touch with you. You must also enter a valid email address.
You must identify the allegedly infringing work in sufficient detail, including at least one search term under which the file appears in search results.
A statement that the complaining party has a good faith opinion that the copyright owner, its agent, or the law does not authorize the material’s use in the manner in question.
A statement under penalty of perjury that the information in the notification is accurate and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right.
Must be signed by the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right.
Send the written notice of infringement to this email address:

Due to an issue with our search engine, we cannot promise that all content will be removed. Therefore, please send us CLICKABLE links to each publication that contains your illegal information. Only in this instance can we ensure that all content has been removed.

Please allow 1-2 business days for a response to your email.


We only share content for testing and educational purposes. If you find it to be effective and beneficial, we strongly advise you to purchase it from the original authors or developers, as they have put a lot of effort into creating it.
If you are the owner of this content or wish to have it removed, please send us a message. We will promptly remove it.